lounging and stuff

i had a whole afternoon of activities i was going to do today, but it seems i've forsaken them to sit inside and search for inspiring room porn and drink coffee. maybe i'll get something constructive done. later on. for now, contemplate these
10 Commandments of Living Well (found on An Aesthete's Lament)

1. Do not fear colour; embrace it.
2. Learn to mix patterns and textures. It's a skill that gives a room animation, however subtly you choose to deploy it.
3. Your house should reflect only your taste, not your neighbor's.
4. Whatever your style—traditional, modern, eclectic, whimsical—physical comfort and visual delight are the ultimate goals.
5. Closely examine shelter magazines old and new for ideas but use them as springboards for your own creativity rather than as templates for mindless reproduction.
6. Understand that attentive housekeeping is more than daily drudgery; like regular automobile maintenance, it keeps your world in tiptop health.
7. Enliven your rooms with houseplants and cut flowers whenever possible.
8. Set a proper table at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Nothing fancy, just something pleasant.
9. Get organized. Few chores are so soul-satisfying as knowing everything is in its place.
10. Taking breakfast in bed is a luxury worth experiencing every now and again.