i rediscovered my belly button today. i suppose one can go for quite some time only being unconscious of the existence of belly buttons, and then a person is looking in the mirror or touching their tummy one day and they're like "hey! what is that thing? oh...."
well, this isn't actually mine.sadly.
hopefully mine is working towards resembling something like this :)
so, i was thinking (you're all reading this going "not again!"

thinking about a neighborhood hill, where a couple could sit in each other's arms and survey the surrounding suburbs. thinking about how a boy could kiss a girl in this certain rendezvous, and they didn't care if a few teenyboppers or moms with strollers happened to pass, because they (those two) were in love. thinking about hot, sticky summer rides with no AC, windows down, but only as far as her hair could handle it. thinking about summers lengthening into late fall. it's almost too dark to be taking a common walk. it's almost too chilly, bitingly harsh to be out at all. but she is warmed from inner glow, as she works carefully masking her after-school stolen moments. she is in love.
they were naughty. they were young.
they were tactile freshly scented vividly captured memories, time-travel compatible, shock-inducingly sudden.
into the wild: the motion picture soundtrack
all songs are by eddie vedder, lead singer and sometimes-guitarist for pearl jam. but do not be deterred by any previous opinions about said man or band. this music is a precise fit for the movie, and i tell myself now that if i stumbled upon this music, even without the movie, it would still appeal to me. vedder has this haunting, wild lone-wolf sound in some tracks, and in others he could be that haggard but compassionate beggar man sitting at the corner of the cracker barrel and the texaco. he was even awarded a golden globe award for the track "guaranteed".

... the soy ice cream was amazing, thanks for asking. i made it maple-chocolate-pecan flavor. up ahead: i'm thinking something with almond, since i got this almond milk, and the taste is ok, but not quite to my favor as much as soymilk. maybe cherries would pair well? any suggestions?

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