3 observations

as i took my hour-and-a-half walk around vienna this afternoon, i thought of 3 observations:

1. i am a renaissance woman
this is not because of social conditioning, or family expectations. rather, it is of my own doing.
however, i think i tend to give off "vibes" of unrest, of an impending storm, due to my whirlwind nature and dark-and-twisty general air. these vibes render me largely unapproachable, and even my own friends whom i have known for years at times cannot deal with my ever-shifting surface. it is partially my responsibility to work extra hard to overcome this vibe in everyday life. as approachable and outgoing as i may see myself, i have to realize others may not view it that way.
i see it as a sign of maturity, not of weakness, that i am trying to tone it down into a more concentrated way of life, focusing on a few things at a time rather that trying to be everything at once.

2. do not underestimate the sly charm of an old, slightly beat-up stripmall

3. a great pair of sunglasses and confident walk can do a hell of a lot for a girl. (heck, it can do wonders for a guy, too)