hey yall

white mens v-neck (endlessly useful- my essential piece!)
black H&M skirt with ripped hem (a DIY job by Bradley)
my new kick-A** gladiator sandals, by maddengirl

did a touch of gold jewelry
oh, and food

these photos really don't do them any favors (i'm still waiting to get a proper camera), but i got the urge to bake this morning, and we had a box of oat-bran-cinnamon muffin mix lying around. never content to just make the recipe, i decided to make an apple-raisin variation. our applesauce was blueberry flavored, but it turned out to lend them a nice twist of flavor. and i added poppyseeds on top, just because i like them. they are very dense and moist- perfect for breakfast!
other thoughts
- going from only having to take care of moi (at college) to maintaining a household of five (here) is quite a change...i have had to adapt- i told myself it would be hard, and i do not see it growing any easier. but it makes it worse when i get not even close to a thank-you. i (self-admittedly) already have a somewhat negative attitude when it comes to my family, and their being in this house is taking advantage of the work i am doing for my mom- i feel like a cinderella. there is no reason for me doing a good bit of the work that falls on me, with a perfectly capable 10-yr-old and 14-yr-old living here also (not to mention a full-grown man). i try to make the best of it, for my mother's sake, but we (withing the family, not necessarily just me) still have near-daily "episodes"...fights about something or another. yesterday i had my younger sister screaming in my face that she hated me and did not wish to go with me anywhere, for a whole host of reasons. i am not so callous that it did not hurt. i don't want to go down as the big bad mean older sister...but i'm not entirely sure how to change that (can it be wholly remedied?). i do not share this to let off steam, or incite pity...i'm just trying to say that i'm trying to be mature about it (and not whine and moan), as best as i know how.
- my hair is green! well, almost. i'm just very paranoid about brassiness. luckily for me, in the very close mall there is a paul mitchell school salon, with discount prices! (because it's done by supervised students). i can't wait till i have enough money saved, and my hair is healthy enough, so i can go get it fixed! brass, be gone!
- my dear melissa is coming to see me this weekend. the forecast: working out, thrift store shopping, independent local coffee shop, and the mall. hopefully it will be a great time.
- i have not started a blogroll yet (on my list), but i just have to mention ginny branch's blog, my favorite color is shiny. i forget how i happened upon it, buy i have been continually blessed by ginny's artistic musings and grateful, imaginative, optimistic attitude.
- also amazing is simply breakfast. as a huge breakfast lover (well, food lover in general- yall know me), i was delighted to find this site. great idea, tantalizing pictures, never over-done, always tasteful.
- well, i've been writing this at the library, since our internet (or lack thereof) is on the blitz. blogger.com is still not very cooperative, so sorry for the lack of pictures i would have included. my mother is ready to get back home- we haven't had lunch yet. i'm excited for the tofu i have been marinading in teriyaki since last night!! i think i will check out some bridal magazines...a dreamy escape.
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