it was just a short run. the sky was pinky-purple, tempered with dusky blue, fading into night. it has been unusually cool these past few days, and the time of sunset was near-perfect. i never realized i missed the running (after being sidelined for a week and a half) until i started again.
i think i have finally found a pair of gladiator sandals that not only fit, but also i can actually afford! if i return to purchase them, they will most likely be my splurge purchase of the summer
"Yummy" by Gwen Stefani. it's so catchy (if in a slightly cheesy way), and great for running
i sat in the border's for at least an hour catching up on current magazines. i didn't mean to buy anything, but i couldn't bear to put down july's "elle" with the mary-kate cover, or the june/july "domino". it's just great- every feature. i really liked the current "vanity fair" also, but i couldn't bear the thought of the more questionably-photographed articles lying around in my room (if you get my drift).
collards and yellow summer squash. southern greatness.
salad with salsa-ranch dressing, with sauteed corn, onions, and veggie chicken strips on top
crystal lite slurpies (essential. i am so spoiled since being home, in this if in nothing else)
fresh strawberries, with a little vanilla protein powder sprinkled on top for texture, with a spoon of cream cheese on the side (a healthy alternative to strawberry cheesecake? what can i say? i'm just weird)
ok, here's the fun part. i have been freezing the leftover coffee from the mornings in a cup with the spoon stuck in, to make popsicles, right? it feels more decadent than it really is, plus it takes a long time to finish.
well, today i had one, and it had broken off the spoon and filled about a third of my cup. i poured coke zero over the coffee-pop, filling the cup. (this might sound iffy, but i assure you the flavors really went well together) i then squirted a generous amount on whipped cream on top (generally i try to avoid dairy products, but this is an exception). i sprinkled some cocoa powder and a touch of malted milk powder on top. it was genius! the topping mimicked ice cream pretty well, and it was cold and sweet and yummy too. i think i tricked my brain into thinking it consumed much more carbs than it actually did, so i'm happy.
i think i have finally found a pair of gladiator sandals that not only fit, but also i can actually afford! if i return to purchase them, they will most likely be my splurge purchase of the summer
"Yummy" by Gwen Stefani. it's so catchy (if in a slightly cheesy way), and great for running
i sat in the border's for at least an hour catching up on current magazines. i didn't mean to buy anything, but i couldn't bear to put down july's "elle" with the mary-kate cover, or the june/july "domino". it's just great- every feature. i really liked the current "vanity fair" also, but i couldn't bear the thought of the more questionably-photographed articles lying around in my room (if you get my drift).
collards and yellow summer squash. southern greatness.
salad with salsa-ranch dressing, with sauteed corn, onions, and veggie chicken strips on top
crystal lite slurpies (essential. i am so spoiled since being home, in this if in nothing else)
fresh strawberries, with a little vanilla protein powder sprinkled on top for texture, with a spoon of cream cheese on the side (a healthy alternative to strawberry cheesecake? what can i say? i'm just weird)
ok, here's the fun part. i have been freezing the leftover coffee from the mornings in a cup with the spoon stuck in, to make popsicles, right? it feels more decadent than it really is, plus it takes a long time to finish.
well, today i had one, and it had broken off the spoon and filled about a third of my cup. i poured coke zero over the coffee-pop, filling the cup. (this might sound iffy, but i assure you the flavors really went well together) i then squirted a generous amount on whipped cream on top (generally i try to avoid dairy products, but this is an exception). i sprinkled some cocoa powder and a touch of malted milk powder on top. it was genius! the topping mimicked ice cream pretty well, and it was cold and sweet and yummy too. i think i tricked my brain into thinking it consumed much more carbs than it actually did, so i'm happy.

i was rummaging through my grandmother's abandoned drawers, looking for a sewing kit (to repair my new black vintage bandage skirt!!), and happened upon some more great vintage jewelry, a case of embroidered handkerchiefs, a tortoiseshell hand mirror, and an ancient leather coach tag. small treasures i'm collecting.
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