i have not been as consistent as i would have wished because my family is siphoning illegal internet and our unsecured network has been disappearing and reappearing. yes.
*makes me happy*
new thrift store shopping. i found more than this- coming soon. these odd beauties were hiding underneath the mens' shoe rack. i caught them sparkling up at me and knew we were meant to be. it is hard to tell from this poor-quality picture, but they are quite comfy, but not worn-in to the point of rattiness, and are white with a subtle metallic shimmer.
new thrift store shopping. i found more than this- coming soon. these odd beauties were hiding underneath the mens' shoe rack. i caught them sparkling up at me and knew we were meant to be. it is hard to tell from this poor-quality picture, but they are quite comfy, but not worn-in to the point of rattiness, and are white with a subtle metallic shimmer.

also, this darling vintage chair, which had been relegated to the bathroom in a county office building my other had purpose to visit one day. i thought it charming, to be sure.

i have had a fairly long run this evening- my first in about a week, due to my still-angry ankle. coupled with today's driving and general stress, i am exhausted. let me say that although i generally frown upon text messaging as a suitable form of communication, it has its uses. i am thankful for friends, even if our roots are not yet deep and we are greatly separated. a few simple words can give an abundant amount of encouragement. share your words.
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