we've had a few crazy warm days here in grand rapids, but today it was back to the regular program with cold chill and rain/snow. these pictures are from thursday, when it was warmer. wearing skinny jeans, h&m mens scarf, and the gray tee i bought at a thrift store and customized, a la camille, of childhood flames blog fame- see here!

this weekend is eluding me- i can't believe it's saturday night already! took a lazy evening yesterday, and i don;t even need to look at my schedule to know that it is go go go until christmas (which is 6 weeks away, just if you were wondering)
one of my profs used a really good analogy this week. originally speaking about a student who wanted to major in everything, he said that the purpose of college is not to accumulate knowledge about things. it's to build bookshelves, which will be filled through life with whatever we choose to put in them. it's not about the body of facts we assimilate (and not likely retain), btu about building the infrastructure that will serve us for the rest of our learning lives. i liked that.
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