old black boots, old black leggings, gray ae nightgown, here as a skirt, navy velvet pullover, thrifted, cream winter coat, thrifted, h&m silver/gray scarf
most of my outfits have been boring, basic, get-me-through-this-week kind of stuff. i'm working on bringing back the creativity. but im in a very simple mood right now.
had our first real snow on monday.

some graffiti is simply horrible though, a girl at my school has her name all over the toilet cubicle walls and the stuff is horrid! i had snow last week but it has all melted and just left the ice and frost =(
hey, i like the third pic.. whichever is the close up of you all bundled for the "horrid snow". I also like the graffiti, the last one makes a good point altho the other commenter had a good point that art can be abused or in bad taste.. but thats the beauty of it.
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