this is a lovely image, no? the sullen, bleak landscape, the wind ruffling her hem, the black and the boots, her chaotic hair? its really alive.
ill have a short break for this long weekend, to hopefully unwind just a bit before finals
im looking foward to the 3 hour ride to chicago, just to sit, think, listen to music, and do whatever my mind pleases.
it's a delicate boundary between selling your soul to caffeine/schoolwork/the college lifestyle and actually controlling or steering the course of your own learning in your college experience. so much of the best learning is outside of academic work, but grades are important too, demanding of our time and vital to out financial standing.
im trying to figure it out.
ill have a short break for this long weekend, to hopefully unwind just a bit before finals
im looking foward to the 3 hour ride to chicago, just to sit, think, listen to music, and do whatever my mind pleases.
it's a delicate boundary between selling your soul to caffeine/schoolwork/the college lifestyle and actually controlling or steering the course of your own learning in your college experience. so much of the best learning is outside of academic work, but grades are important too, demanding of our time and vital to out financial standing.
im trying to figure it out.
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