this movie is such a jem! it was made by the same director as "requiem for a dream", but with a completely different feel, along with half its original budget, 2 delays, and replacement of both lead roles (and thanks goodness for that, because rachel weisz and hugh jackman do a much better job). hollywood didn't care for it, but what do they know? it was fantastic. going into the movie, my friend said it was "the most visually stunning movie he had ever seen". i thought, that's a pretty substantial claim. but over and over, his point was proved. my eyes were dazzled...the whole masterpiece was made using no CG technology- only greenscreens and inexpensive computer programs. it is, at its core, a love story, told in 3 different time periods. you may get a bit confused at times, but it all comes together, and it is definitely worth it.
ever wished you could quit your day job and travel around the world, dancing a happy jig in each place you stopped in? this man's life because this dream come true.
ever wished you could quit your day job and travel around the world, dancing a happy jig in each place you stopped in? this man's life because this dream come true.