lace top- thrifted vintage, wool skirt- old navy, leggings- had forever, no-name equestrian boots
can't see it very well, but this is my favorite new purchase- a thick black knit maxiskirt. super comfy, super warm, versatile- i wore it with a thrifted gray tee, and later with black boots, brown mix plaid shirt, and fur-ish jacket. very inspired by mary-kate- see here
a very weird, long day today...spent most of it in the ER with my friend bradley. hopefully he will feel better soon. wearyness only sweetened by chocolate ice cream with raspberries. and now i have to finally start studying for tomorrow's midterm...
HEY, i wore i skirt just like this one for "elive" last year! lol.. got it from thrift. it was a bit scary short, way to much man thigh
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