1. land of talk
i first saw this canadian trio opning for broken social scene (a great concert!). i instantly developed a itty bitty girl-crush on the lead singer, with her trendy haircut, cute style, BA boots, and soulful voice. their rock-ish music is real easy to listen to- and i LOVE the ballad "it's okay" from the new album. i have had it on repeat for the past few weeks.
i first saw this canadian trio opning for broken social scene (a great concert!). i instantly developed a itty bitty girl-crush on the lead singer, with her trendy haircut, cute style, BA boots, and soulful voice. their rock-ish music is real easy to listen to- and i LOVE the ballad "it's okay" from the new album. i have had it on repeat for the past few weeks.

a world-grunge/folk-rock (what does that even MEAN?, you ask) band from pennsylvania, although that label hardly begins to describe the breadth and depth of their art.
from their website: "we are a nomadic community of psalmists. Currently 8 people, 2 dogs, 1 robot, 2 ships. More than 100 psalters from 12 countries have been involved over the years. We are on the road after our First Love, the refugee King....for whom we pledge our only allegiance. It’s not only us...we’re just the banner wavers of a little army out here just beyond your city walls. You can come along if you’re a miserable wretch....but unfortunately there is not enough room for the generally good people. Don’t fret. You wouldn’t like this road....it’s dirty (and greasy)."
sounds like: "the percussive clank of chain links attached to dozens of defiant stomping feet across the marbled business floor desert, fists raised high, open mouthed screaming brittle sirens over the hum of computers, air filtration systems and the muddy thud of a thousand apathetic hearts".
from their manifesto: "As followers of El Elyon , the Suffering Servant, we seek not to make music for music’s sake, but for God’s sake; through His Grace, for His Glory. We wanna be like the temple musicians who first performed the psalms over three thousand years ago. Occasionally scholars refer to these temple musicians as ‘psalters’. They were people intending to glorify God through music. They did not perform for the sake of entertainment, utility, or artistic expression."
all i can really say is listen to them, read their literature, and be changed.
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