this month, the ordinary has been surreal and the surreal has been ordinary. and i desperately wish this month was not so close to being over.

we got tons of snow one day (ok, in virginia 2 feet is "tons") and emma made a ham of herself whilst out on our walks.

homemade snow ice cream? yes it is.

made this patchwork pillowcase for my mom out of africa fabrics.

excited about thrifting finds, like this rust-colored open knit longsleeve. reminds me of the matrix, in a great sort of way.

gingerbread apple cake- deliciously moist, with a caramel top layer that seeped down into the entire cake.

brownie mosaic cheesecake. i love cheesecake, so i made this one with low-carb soy flour and sweetened it with stevia. no guilt! plus it tasted wonderful. evidence? no leftovers of this one, but the poor neglected gingerbread cake is still in the fridge! both repices from
smitten kitchen
my cat's got a big heart.

a preview of my latest knitting cast-on! a huge nubby winter cowl.
gotta finish those ghana posts, i know. its comin.
happy new years!
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