i'll keep catching up on my ghana posts, but i thought i'd put down some of my current thoughts. i feel so ordinary, yet so surreal, constantly comparing my day-to-day now with what it would have been in ghana. today i've sat in bed trying to catch up on blog reading and posting photos all morning. i've done some wonderful, therapeutic cookies and worked on several sewing projects. i'm able to go a whole day without working up a sweat if i so wish- in fact, i feel quite lethargic without all that walking all over Legon's campus. and i have all the more motivation to be lazy, what with the foot and a half of snow outside! we haven't had this much snow in virginia in a very long time. and guess who left her snow boots in michigan, thinking she wouldn't need them? yeah. but i'm venturing out anyways. a day and a half inside is enough to have me riled up with cabin fever.
i have no concept of what day it is, without consulting a calendar. my weekend trip to michigan was quite fun, but resulted in an ultimate postponing of my housing decision, as i decided to stay at my friend's parents home for interim. i'm feeling quite scattered, dazed even, after putting a few hours' real though into my after-college plans. grad school? travel? student loans? slave to whatever job comes along? i hope not. it's overwhelming, though. i hope that after this upcoming semester of all classes in my major, and the next semester in oregon, i'll have a more focused idea of what i'd like to get into.
i was able to catch up with chrystal, and talk a bit with rachel, brad, and eric. what a killer past few months we've all had. is it just a part of growing up, i wonder, that the events of our lives are too large and intimidating to be put to keyboard or pen, and demand a face-to-face delivery? that the horror and the pain completely obliterate the option of a quick phone catch-up? it seems so. and of course my mind jumps to the future: how are such friendships sustained over so many miles of distance, with no guarantees of a near-future reunion? i do not know. all i know is i'm thankful for these reunions.
my family members break my heart over and again many times in the run of a day, but i know all too soon i'll be leaving for michigan again. and i learned in ghana that i endure. we all endure.
i'll leave you with some of my new favorite blogs:
hannah and landon
turned out
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