well, i have been moving in this past week, and seeing friends, of course. classes start tomorrow. i'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers as i try to navigate this year.
i'm quite excited for my new leadership position, the culteral discerner (CD). i am part of a team who try to analyze pop culture (often film and music) from a Christian perspective, because w believe that God made humans to enjoy culture, and culture needs to be redeemed through the Holy Spirit. the concept is a bit esoteric, but i have high hopes for the program. and we have an awesome concert season this year!!
i'm quite excited for my new leadership position, the culteral discerner (CD). i am part of a team who try to analyze pop culture (often film and music) from a Christian perspective, because w believe that God made humans to enjoy culture, and culture needs to be redeemed through the Holy Spirit. the concept is a bit esoteric, but i have high hopes for the program. and we have an awesome concert season this year!!
"the wackness". i had looked foward to seeing this for quite some time, but it wasnt what i expected. actually, it was one of the saddest movies i had seen in a long time. sad in that harsh-melancholy-reality-of-life kind of way. but i truly embraced the message it sent out- to cherish life. don't numb it all away or take the safe route all the time. one of the best scenes in the movie- luke, the main character, asks stephanie to stand still, and not to say anything to change the moment of him having his heart broken. she asks why, and he says "because it's never happened to me before". he embraced that raw emotion, with the knowledge that eventually he would overcome it. overall, the movie was too crass (sexually) for my tastes, and i was embarrassed at times to be watching it in mixed company. but it was worth it.
"the wackness". i had looked foward to seeing this for quite some time, but it wasnt what i expected. actually, it was one of the saddest movies i had seen in a long time. sad in that harsh-melancholy-reality-of-life kind of way. but i truly embraced the message it sent out- to cherish life. don't numb it all away or take the safe route all the time. one of the best scenes in the movie- luke, the main character, asks stephanie to stand still, and not to say anything to change the moment of him having his heart broken. she asks why, and he says "because it's never happened to me before". he embraced that raw emotion, with the knowledge that eventually he would overcome it. overall, the movie was too crass (sexually) for my tastes, and i was embarrassed at times to be watching it in mixed company. but it was worth it.

"trainspotting". my friend's roommate has an awesome dvd collection, and this movie was picked at random in our quest to assimilate the entire mass of dvds. i have read many harrowing memoirs of hard drug addiction, and seen a handful of movies that attempted to illustrate said struggle, and i found this film not cliched in the least- it was very,very good. memorable characters, believable script and setting, with a plot twist at the end providing some poetic justice...again, gritty, somber material and very little comic relief, but worth it. oh-and the scottish accents were entirely charming and, of course, ewan macgregor is steamin'.
"trainspotting". my friend's roommate has an awesome dvd collection, and this movie was picked at random in our quest to assimilate the entire mass of dvds. i have read many harrowing memoirs of hard drug addiction, and seen a handful of movies that attempted to illustrate said struggle, and i found this film not cliched in the least- it was very,very good. memorable characters, believable script and setting, with a plot twist at the end providing some poetic justice...again, gritty, somber material and very little comic relief, but worth it. oh-and the scottish accents were entirely charming and, of course, ewan macgregor is steamin'.

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