i was out running for two hours today. never would i have thought i would last- especially on 4 hours of sleep, and being out of shape- but me and a buddy were out for that long. we did take a few short walking breaks, but then you start again and again...the feeling is amazing, like your body could do anything if you pushed it long enough. you just want to run and run till you are absolutely empty and depleted. well, not every day (not for me), but today was one of those great times.

college has had such a hectic start (not that that is an excuse), and i admit my personal time with God has been largely neglected. but today i start again. from my devotions: in Luke 20:35 Jeusus is speaking about whether there will be marriage in Heaven, and He says we "will have better things to think about, if you can believe it. All ecstasies and intimacies then will be with God". think of how groundbreaking- how exciting- that is. we can't fathom it as humans.
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