3 more weeks is long, 3 more weeks is short. i spoke to my mom for maybe 10 minutes last night, first time in a long time because calls are so expensive. i have a feeling i'll be losing my voice after the first day i'm back. today i had many adventures and i'm sunburnt, dehydrated, and tired. it hasn't quite sunk in yet that i'm done with classes. this weekend will be spent vegging- reading, surfing the web (assuming the power doesn't go out), and eating fanchoco.
found an intriguing blog. this guy took a year off after high school to live in accra, and ended up teaching in a free school for streetchildren. its highly entertaining and encouraging to read accounts of accra from another foreigner's voice and be able to exclaim "yes! i thought so also!" or "yes, i totally agree!" he's not with an official program like we are, so he has some more exciting stories to tell. link here.
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