on our way to Mole National Park, we stopped in the tiny town of Larabanga, famous only because of its historic mosque. Historical accounts differ, but the structure is very ancient and is still in use today.

we walked through the no-man's-land right up to the Burkina Faso border. the mean French-speaking guards would not let us put a toe across the border (although some rogue members of our group may have accomplished this while the guards weren't looking)

another view of the mosque...

we visited the town of Paga to see this sacred pond full of harmless crocodiles. according to the myth, every meneber of the original royal family has a corresponding crocodile living in the area. they just wander around, and people dont mind them.we bought 2 chickens and sacrificed them to daddy and momma crocodile in order to justify our visit. our guide was quite sure we would all want to take photos with the crocs, so that's how i ended up sitting on the back of a large lizard

the donkeys were cuter, though. the local boys tolerated our ridiculous behaviour and let us ride the patient pack animals.
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