headed for a life of liberation, this kid is...

"Next week he is flying to Memphis, taking a bus to a hardware store to purchase an axe, and going down to the Mississippi River to chop down some trees and build himself a raft. His plan is to then float to New Orleans. He will be alone and without a phone. I asked him what he is going to eat and he plans on catching rats. A well thought out adventure."

... i wish god were alive to see this


getting too busy staying up at night so i don't want to get up and run in the sweet mild virginia air like i know i would love to
i've started a flickr. it's still an infant.


Cameron said...

You let me know what it's like in New England. I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, for China. It's taken a lot to get everything together, especially the visa.

Have you started on the reading yet?