the main event! finally! my cousin stephanie's wedding.
it was lovely. pulled off with class, but still lumbee (indian- my mom's whole side of the family) all the way.
[note- none of these pictures are acually of tonight's event. they're from google.]
only hitch?
the DJ
all the young people who should have been dancing were standing or mingling around, waiting for something good to come on, or for more people to start dancing, so as not to feel like they were putting on a show for aunt billy jean and uncle carlis in the audience.

alas. but it was still enjoyable nevertheless. i threw my own party of 1 celebration members-only dance party in my room when i got home.
also, nothing like those well-meaning distant relatives you only see once a year for making you feel woefully alone.
"don't you have a boy?"'
[me] no, ma'am i don't
"well, why not? they ain't got no good ones up where you go to school?"
[my mother leans over] "she's too picky"
-as if my mother knew anything whatsoever about my romantical escapades. hrrrumph!-
it went well.
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