biking was the perfect thing i needed this evening. my 10 miles were a time of bliss. the sunset path, people of all types, passing deer and rabbits as the sun went down. almost cold the weather was amazing. it makes me so grateful to be corny does that sound? and speaking of people, how passive-aggressive is the bike trail? sheesh...most of the bikers are pros, and guys too. i always make an effort to get significant eye contact with almost every person i pass in the run of a day, and the trail is no exception...i know other people feel like they are getting sized up just as badly as i do, but that just provokes me to come out even more. and i always send encouraging thoughts and a hint of a smile to the people i pass, especially those who look completely mortified to even be out in public. but then again, i do have to say men in virginia, at least my area, appreciate women. i'm not trying to sound conceited, and no person likes to feel like a piece of meat on display, but i feel a tiny tinge of satisfaction every once in awhile, realizing all my huffing and puffing is not completely in, only to start making some friends (and lovers?!) out of it...
and on the fashion front: this spring was all 50's menswear. side-parted nerd hair, white mens undershirts, skinny jeans, converses, simple white sandals, cardigans, and pastel colors (if any color at all), working in some 80's styles and high waistlines towards the end. the hair was supposed to be platinum, but going from red, it ended up kind of yellow. (it has to go.)

this summer...still keeping the simple white and jean combo, still like the high waists, 80's neons, nerd glasses...also maxi dresses, keds, upscale gypsy looks. trying to get used to jewelry again, it's been so long. don;t know what to do with the hair...shoot for platinum or try for a beachy brunette. i just dont want to end up green (NOT GOOD).
forecast for the fall: totally mens inspired. sweet hi-tops, graphic hoodies, skinny jeans, vintage tees, high waists. transitioning into winter with muted colors, rich dark brown hair, LOTS OF BLACK. check out gucci ready-to-wear fall 08/09 and mary-kate and ashley olsen's "the row" video (i think it's been around for at least a year, and i still love it) at also, anyone looking for inspiration, take a browse through the hel looks exhibit. i'm sure you'll find something you love. oh, to live anywhere but america! here's just a sampling of my favorites:

great post!
love the pictures.
The second couple look really cute, but it is disturbing that all the guys seems to have skinny super model legs. skinner than mine, which is tragic!
if we start looking alike i'm going to freak out. but at least we will both be stylin' i vote beachy brown for the present and i'm still weary about all the black come this winter. but i know you will make it hot and spicy. miss you!...can i say that on a blog? too late. just did. miss you miss you miss you miss you. and i love the fact that you used the word "lovers". i am having adverse effects on you. hehehehe
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